среда, 14 марта 2012 г.

Eye of the beholder Uneven `Night at McCool's' can't find its comedic soul


(STAR) (STAR) 1/2

Jewel Liv Tyler

Randy Matt Dillon

Dehling John Goodman

Carl Paul Reiser

Mr. Burmeister Michael Douglas

USA Films presents a film directed by Harald Zwart. Written byStan Seidel. Running time: 93 minutes. Rated R (for violence,sexuality and language). Opening today at local theaters.

When a man tells a woman she's the one he's been searching for,this is not a comment about the woman but about the man. The malemind, drenched in testosterone, sees what it needs to see. "One Nightat McCool's," a comedy about three men who fall for the same woman,shows …

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