четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

SA: SA to review arson laws

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: SA to review arson laws

ADELAIDE, Dec 31 AAP - South Australia will urgently review its arson laws to toughen
penalties for firebugs, Premier Rob Kerin said today.

Mr Kerin said the move was made after the first two bushfires in the state this fire
season were deliberately lit.

"What has occurred in NSW over the past couple of weeks makes it even more crucial
to send a very strong message that anyone caught deliberately lighting a bushfire or wildfire
will face severe consequences," Mr Kerin said today in a statement.

"We are talking about an act of arson that can cause severe damage to property and
risk the lives of emergency service volunteers called in to fight these fires."

Mr Kerin said the review would assess current arson legislation and penalties in the
state and was expected to be completed by the end of next week.

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