четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Fed: Aircraft problems ground Kosovars

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Aircraft problems ground Kosovars

Mr Ruddock said he did not expect problems tomorrow.

"I don't expect problems. I've spent a lot of time over the last week visiting each
of the safe haven centres," Mr Ruddock told reporters.

"For most Kosovars it's safe to return home.

"My expectation is in relation to guests - and these people have been guests for more
than nine months - when it's time to ask the people to go home they should avail themselves
of the opportunity."

He said he was disappointed that the charter flight would be half empty because many
refugees had launched legal proceedings in the High Court.

However, he did not feel it was appropriate to postpone the charter flight until after
the High Court decision on Monday.

"It disappoints me that others who could have joined the flight home have launched
legal proceedings but that is an entitlement that anyone here is entitled to make," he

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