Councillors in Bristol recently passed a motion, proposed byGreen Party councillors, which could provide cheap, clean energy forlocal residents.
Rising energy costs and confusing tariffs often mean that thoseworking the longest hours or earning the least, are unable to takeadvantage of cheaper rates.
Based on a successful Dutch initiative, the Greens' proposal setsout a national energy bulk-purchase scheme. The proposed scheme aimsto harness the joint purchasing power of local authorities acrossthe UK to negotiate cheaper costs through bulk-purchasing of energy,both for their own needs and those of their citizens.
As well as incorporating stringent definitions (ensuring thatonly energy from truly renewable, non-nuclear, resources would fitthe criteria) the scheme would also look into ways of reducingenergy consumption. This is a clear example of how Green policyinitiatives are both visionary and practical, helping both peopleand the planet.
We hope that B&NES will be first in the queue to join ourneighbours in this venture.
SUE BRADLEY Bath and North East Somerset Green Party, Bath
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