суббота, 3 марта 2012 г.

New findings from Johannes Gutenberg University, Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology describe advances in colitis.

Fresh data on colitis are presented in the report 'Inflammation-induced intussusceptive angiogenesis in murine colitis.' According to a study from Mainz, Germany, "Intussusceptive angiogenesis is a morphogenetic process that forms new blood vessels by the division of a single blood vessel into two lumens. Here, we show that this process of intraluminal division participates in the inflammation-induced neovascularization associated with chemically induced murine colitis."

"In studies of both acute (4-7 days) and chronic (28-31 days) colitis, intravital microscopy of intravascular tracers demonstrated a twofold reduction in blood flow velocity. In the acute colitis model, the …

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